Analytics: Models and Framework

Analytics: Models and Framework

Data analysts build models to perform various analytics jobs. Each type of models are designed to figure out a certain problem. For specification, in this article, we call the general categories of these models as Analytics Model and specific example of the model as Analysis Framework.

1. User Model

2. Event Model

3. Funnel Analysis Model


The AARRR is a framework for product analysis. It consists of 5 ordinal objectives:

  1. Acquisition: Let user be aware of the product
  2. Activation: Let user do what we want them to do
  3. Retention: Keep user active, engaged and exhibiting sticky behavior
  4. Revenue: generate businesses outcome. Usually money but can vary from the business model
  5. Referral: Let user spread the product

3.2 Sean Ellis’s Startup growth Pyramid

The Startup growth Pyramid is a framework for starting up and enlarge business. It segment the business lifecycle into threee stages and discuss what we should do in each stage:

The judgement on moving from the current stage to the next is based on user satisfaction. If 40% of people (or more) say they’d be very disappointed to lose the service, you’ve found a fit, and now it’s time to scale

3.3 Other Framework and Comparison Table

Other Frameworks include Lean Analytics Stage, Maurya Lean Canvas and Lean Startup

The comparison of them are listed below

4. HeatMap Model

5. Customized Retention Analysis

6. Stickiness Analysis

7. Full Behavior Route Analysis

8. User Segmentation

Analytics: Models and Framework
Zhengyuan Yang
Posted on
February 5, 2023
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